Deal Studio

Expedite your deals

Empower your team with Deal Studio, where expertise meets efficiency. Our platform accelerates deal making, providing your teams with your best deal language and guidance at their fingertips. Get to Yes faster while delivering consistently better deal outcomes.

Deal Studio

Streamline Your Deals

How? By giving you Deal Spaces to bring together your best contract language, positions, negotiation teams, subject matter experts, approvers, and counterparties in a safe and controlled way.

Bring Everyone to the Table

Bring Everyone to the Table

Half of the challenge with negotiations is communicating and collaborating inside your organization. Get your negotiators, internal experts, and approvers gathered around your Single Source of Truth.

Make Your Microsoft Word into a Tool for Teams

Make Your Microsoft Word into a Tool for Teams

Where's the best place for alternative language and guidance? Right at the fingertips of the people making the deals. xMentium's powerful and easy to use add-in for Word offers a whole new level of knowledge and support during deal drafting and negotiating.